Composables Reference
List of all public methods exported within @shopware-pwa/composables-next package.
For more information on composables, see our Building Guides and Context Composables.
CMS (Shopping Experiences)
name | description |
useBreadcrumbs | Composable for breadcrumbs management.Read the guide.It's recommended to use getCategoryBreadcrumbs for category breadcrumbs. |
useCmsBlock | Composable to get cms block content |
useCmsSection | Composable to get cms section content |
Cart & Checkout
name | description |
useAddToCart | Composable to manage adding product to cart |
useAddress | Composable to manage customer addresses |
useCartItem | Composable to manage specific cart item |
useCheckout | Composable to manage checkout process |
Context & Language
name | description |
useCountries | Composable to manage countries |
useInternationalization | Composable for internationalization management. |
useSalutations | Composable for fetching the salutations list. |
useSessionContext | Composable for session management.SessionContext contain all related data like user, currency, country, shippingMethod, paymentMethod etc. |
useShopwareContext |
Customer & Account
name | description |
useCustomerOrders | Composable for fetching the orders list. |
useCustomerPassword | Composable for customer password management. |
useNewsletter | Composable for newsletter subscription. |
useOrderDetails | Composable for managing an existing order. |
useOrderPayment | Composable for managing an existing order. |
useUser | Composable for user management. |
Navigation & Routing
name | description |
useCategorySearch | Composable for category search. |
useLandingSearch | Composable for landing page search. |
useNavigation | Composable for navigation.Provides state for navigation trees depending on navigation type. |
useNavigationContext | Composable to get navigation context from the URL. |
useNavigationSearch | Composable to get search for SeoUrl entity for given path. |
useProductSearch | Composable for product search. |
name | description |
usePrice | Composable for getting formatted price |
useProduct | Composable for product management. |
useProductAssociations | Get product association entity. |
useProductConfigurator | Composable to change product variant. |
useProductPrice | The purpose of the |
useProductReviews | Composable for listing customer orders. |
useProductSearchSuggest | Composable for product suggest search. |
useProductWishlist | Manage wishlist for a single product. |
name | description |
useLocalWishlist | Composable for wishlist management. |
useSyncWishlist | Composable to manage wishlist via API |
useWishlist | Composable to manage wishlist |
name | description |
createListingComposable | Factory to create your own listing.By default you can use useListing composable, which provides you predefined listings for category(cms) listing and product search listing.Using factory you can provide our own compatible search method and use it for example for creating listing of orders in my account. |
useCategory | Composable to get the category from current CMS context |
useListing | |
useNotifications | Composable for managing notifications (flash messages) on frontend. |